Was Montebourg a Sacrificial Lamb for Germany?

In the pages  of le Figaro yesterday, Ordonneau’s article reflects perhaps a growing feeling throughout Europe of being overruled by a great power. He wonders if we’re witnessing the end of one act or the beginning of another. In his analysis, he says that Montebourg, “the self-named prince of economic voluntarism, crashed into a defence wall: that of the triumphant economic model, of the policy of austerity, of resistance to inflationist tendencies, to policies of liberalisation of the labour market and of the abolition of the policies of redistribution.

“Montebourg attempted a heroic charge to break through what seems to be a new round of economic freezing! In the end, he fell – felled by the bloody comments of Angela Merkel, casting aside the appeals from the French President for more flexibility and more cooperation and finally for an economic resurgence by the European heavyweight.


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Quelques ouvrages de Pascal Ordonneau

Panthéon au Carré est disponible aux éditions de la Route de la Soie.

Promotion est disponible chez Numeriklivre et dans toutes les librairies "digitales"

Au Pays de l'Eau et des Dieux est disponible chez Jacques Flament Editeur ainsi que

La Désillusion, le retour de l'Empire allemand, le Bunker et "Survivre dans un monde de Cons".

"La bataille mondiale des matières premières", "le crédit à moyen et long terme" et "Les multinationales contre les Etats" sont épuisés. 

En collaboration: Institut de l'Iconomie


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