L'indicible et le visible.

Antoine d'Agata
Antoine d'Agata

Trois textes, sur le dicible, l’indicible et le visible. L'idée de ces trois textes m'est venue à l'occasion d'une visite à la Maison Européenne de la Photographie. On y expose une artiste américaine forte et profonde, Diana Michener. Difficile aussi. Difficile à regarder.  Au même moment, une exposition dans ce lieu qui va devenir "mythique" s'il s'obstine: le BAL. C'est Antoine d'Agata qui est derrière l'objectif. Un photographe qui, lui aussi, prend la direction du mythe...

Trois textes...celui est le numéro 0, l'introduction.


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  • #1

    Marseilles (mardi, 06 août 2013 09:55)

    Happy birthday,one more time, Pascal:
    D'Agata in english, from Vogue.it, in Milano


    D’Agata is certainly one of the most controversial personalities on the contemporary photography scene, a student of Nan Goldin and Larry Clark, he has never made a secret of his visceral and direct approach to photography.

    Antoine D’Agata, member of Magnum Agency since 2002, has always been on the run. Since leaving Marseilles, his hometown, as a young punk, he has never stood still, driven in his exploration by a combination of desire and recklessness that has always led him to try to go beyond the physical and psychological barriers of his own being, beyond every possible prejudice or reasonable limit.

    Anticorpi presents a broad selection of the work D’Agata has completed to date. His photos are the two sides of the state of the world's violence, as the artist himself has defined his images, even though for a long time this distinction existed only at an unconscious level.
    The first group of photographs was shot for the press all over the world in places like Libya, Palestine, Auschwitz… The second testifies to and evokes sex, drugs, exploitation and prostitution.
    They are different aspects of his world and while the photographer does not repudiate the former, he considers his reportages more detached compared to the involvement he experiences in his more extreme encounters in which identities are confused, actions captured at the climax of their power and in which the body and its forms have sacrificed their grace and harmony.
    Following its success in Paris and The Hague, the exhibition presented at Forma catapults the public into D’Agata’s world. A world that is complex and varied, extreme if you like but deeply authentic, real like few others and exposed with a crude, harsh honesty.

    Anticorpi is produced by Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia in collaboration with Le Bal, Paris, and the Fotomuseum Den Haag.

    The exhibition, curated by Fannie Escoulen and Bernard Marcadé, is accompanied by a catalogue published by Editions Xavier Barral.

    Born in Marseilles, Antoine D’Agata left France in 1983 and moved to New York. In 1990, he enrolled at the International Center of Photography. From 1991 to 1992 he worked as an intern in the editorial department of Magnum in New York.
    Returning to France, in 1998 his first two books of photographs were published, De Mala Muerte and De Mala Noche. The following year, Galerie Vu began to distribute his work. In 2001, he published Hometown, winning the Niépce Prize. September 2003 saw the opening in Paris of his exhibition “1001 Nights”, accompanied by two books, Vortex and Insomnia. In 2004, he joined Magnum and published his fifth book, Stigma. The same year, he shot his first film, Le Ventre du Monde. The following year he published Manifeste. In 2006, he made his first feature film, Aka Ana, in Tokyo.

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Babelio, Amazon, Fnac, books.google, BOD librairie et l'éditeur: Arnaud Franel Editions




Quelques ouvrages de Pascal Ordonneau

Panthéon au Carré est disponible aux éditions de la Route de la Soie.

Promotion est disponible chez Numeriklivre et dans toutes les librairies "digitales"

Au Pays de l'Eau et des Dieux est disponible chez Jacques Flament Editeur ainsi que

La Désillusion, le retour de l'Empire allemand, le Bunker et "Survivre dans un monde de Cons".

"La bataille mondiale des matières premières", "le crédit à moyen et long terme" et "Les multinationales contre les Etats" sont épuisés. 

En collaboration: Institut de l'Iconomie


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